Apache HTTPD Mati Permission denied: couldn’t grab the accept mutex

Jika anda mendapati Apache tiba-tiba mati tanpa sebab coba perhatikan error lognya

 tail -n 300 /var/log/httpd/error_log | more

dan jika anda menemukan error seperti ini

[Wed Apr 18 15:23:28 2012] [emerg] (43)Identifier removed: couldn't grab the accept mutex
[Wed Apr 18 15:23:28 2012] [emerg] (43)Identifier removed: couldn't grab the accept mutex
[Wed Apr 18 15:23:28 2012] [emerg] (43)Identifier removed: couldn't grab the accept mutex
[Wed Apr 18 15:23:28 2012] [emerg] (43)Identifier removed: couldn't grab the accept mutex
[Wed Apr 18 15:23:28 2012] [emerg] (43)Identifier removed: couldn't grab the accept mutex
[Wed Apr 18 15:23:28 2012] [emerg] (43)Identifier removed: couldn't grab the accept mutex
[Wed Apr 18 15:23:28 2012] [emerg] (43)Identifier removed: couldn't grab the accept mutex

Sesuai dengan referensi maka tambahkan baris ini ke httpd.conf

AcceptMutex flock
AcceptMutex posixsem

Silahkan baca referensi penyelesaiannya disini


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