Berikut ini adlah daftar SMTP Response Error code.

SMTP Response Number Definition How to Resolve / Examples
101 Cannot open connection How to fix SMTP Error 101
Examples: “SMTP Error 101, Error opening connection”
“SMTP Error 101, cannot open SMTP stream”
111 Connection refused or inability to open an SMTP stream How to fix SMTP Error 111
211 System status message or system help reply How to fix SMTP Error 211
214 Help message (Information on non-standard command) How to fix SMTP Error 214
220 <SERVER> Service ready How to fix SMTP Error 220
221 <SERVER> Service closing transmission channel How to fix SMTP Error 221
Examples: “221 Closing connection”
“221 Goodbye”
250 Requested mail action okay, completed How to fix SMTP Error 250
251 User not local; will forward to <REMOTEPATH> How to fix SMTP Error 251
252 Can not verify user; accepting message for attempt How to fix SMTP Error 252
354 Starting mail input How to fix SMTP Error 354
420 Timeout connection problem How to fix SMTP Error 420
NOTE: This error is related to GroupWise Servers only.
421 <SERVER> Service not available, closing transmission channel How to fix SMTP Error 421
431 Not enough storage or out of memory (See #452, #552) How to fix SMTP Error 431
432 Recipients Exchange Server incoming mail queue stopped How to fix SMTP Error 432
NOTE: This error is related to Microsoft Exchange Servers only.
441 Recipients mail server is not responding How to fix SMTP Error 441
442 Connection dropped during transmission How to fix SMTP Error 442
446 The maximum hop count was exceeded for the message: an internal loop has occurred. How to fix SMTP Error 446
447 Your outgoing message timed out because of issues concerning the incoming server. How to fix SMTP Error 447
449 A routing error. How to fix SMTP Error 449
NOTE: This error is related to Microsoft Exchange Servers only.
450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable (e.g., mailbox not found, no access, or command rejected for policy reasons) How to fix SMTP Error 450
Examples: “450 Please try again later”
“SMTP Error 450 5.2.3 Msg Size greater than allowed by Remote Host”
451 Requested action aborted: error in processing How to fix SMTP Error 451
Examples: “SMTP error 451 Unable to complete command, DNS not available or timed out”
“451 Domain of sender address does not resolve”
452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage How to fix SMTP Error 452
Example: “452 Out of memory”
455 Server unable to accommodate parameters How to fix SMTP Error 455
471 An error of your mail server, often due to an issue of the local anti-spam filter How to fix SMTP Error 471
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized (This may include errors such as command line too long) How to fix SMTP Error 500
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments How to fix SMTP Error 501
Example: “Remote host said: 501 Invalid Address”
502 Command not implemented How to fix SMTP Error 502
503 Bad sequence of commands How to fix SMTP Error 503
504 Command parameter not implemented How to fix SMTP Error 504
510 Invalid email address How to fix SMTP Error 510
511 Invalid email address (See #552) How to fix SMTP Error 511
512 A DNS error: the host server for the recipient’s domain name cannot be found. How to fix SMTP Error 512
Example: “SMTP Error 550 5.1.2 Host unknown – host cannot be found”
513 Address type is incorrect (possibly mispelled) How to fix SMTP Error 513
Examples: “SMTP error 501 5.1.3 Invalid address”
“SMTP error 553 5.1.3 User address required !”
“SMTP error 501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax”
521 <DOMAIN> does not accept mail How to fix SMTP Error 521
Example: “521 5.2.1 : (CON:B1)”
523 The total size of your mailing exceeds the recipient server’s limits How to fix SMTP Error 523
Examples: “SMTP Error 450 5.2.3 Message Size greater than allowed by Remote Host”
“SMTP Error 552 5.2.3 Data size exceeds maximum permitted”
“SMTP Error 552 5.2.3 Message exceeds maximum fixed size”
530 Normally, an authentication problem. But sometimes it’s about the recipient’s server blacklisting yours, or an invalid email address. How to fix SMTP Error 530
541 The recipient address rejected your message: normally, it’s an error caused by an anti-spam filter. How to fix SMTP Error 541
550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable (e.g., mailbox not found, no access, or command rejected for policy reasons) How to fix SMTP Error 550
Examples: “550 Invalid recipient”
“550 User account is unavailable”
“550 No such user here”
551 User not local; please try <FORWARDPATH> How to fix SMTP Error 551
552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation How to fix SMTP Error 552
Example: “552 sorry, mailbox is over quota temporarily (#5.1.1)”
553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed (e.g., mailbox syntax incorrect) How to fix SMTP Error 553
554 Transaction failed (Or, in the case of a connection-opening response, “No SMTP service here”) How to fix SMTP Error 554
555 MAIL FROM/RCPT TO parameters not recognized or not implemented How to fix SMTP Error 555

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